Much has been said about the use of artificial intelligence in many areas of art and economy. It will probably be possible to write even more in some time, because the development of this technology is surprising and quite fast. What if we went beyond the current framework and found AI opportunities somewhere else?
What if artificial intelligence could benefit faith? What if we could push the boundaries and undertake something that – at first glance – seems iconoclastic? Such an experiment was undertaken in one of the Catholic circles in Switzerland.
What is it? God in machina? What does such a conversation with Jesus Christ, powered by AI, look like? What is the purpose of all this?
God in machina in Switzerland
Deus in Machina presentation
In the Swiss Catholic district of Luzern-Stadt, in the small chapel of St. Peter decided to undertake an almost impossible undertaking. It was decided to install a room there for conversations with Jesus. Well, it doesn’t sound like anything special, but the catch is that this Son of God is powered by… artificial intelligence, which makes him able to talk in over 100 languages.
Named installation God in machina was launched in August 2024 as a result of cooperation with the headquarters of a local university dealing with immersive reality. Interestingly, the matter was tackled after many previous experiments in the field of augmented and virtual reality.
As one of the theologians who took part in the project emphasizes, the most important challenge was choosing the right character. After reflection, it was decided that Jesus Christ would be the “best figure” for such an initiative.
The equipment with the avatar was installed in a confessional, putting the entire project in the hands of believers and tourists who could interact with a divine being powered by AI. Of course, we had previously been asked to ask questions and talk, but without providing private data. During the two months of the installation’s existence, this place was visited by over 1,000 people, including followers of other religions and tourists from China and Vietnam.
AI in the service of religion
What were the effects of such conversations with the robotic God? It turns out to be very interesting for researchers and the church itself. According to a theologian who took part in the study, as many as 2/3 of Jesus’ AI visitors considered it a “spiritual experience”, that is, one that influenced their personal beliefs.
This is astonishing because everyone knew that they were dealing with a creation powered by AI and there was nothing divine about it. However, this shows that in the right way and under the right conditions, even artificial intelligence can be an effective tool for exerting pressure and influence.
One can only wonder how the Catholic Church as a whole will react to such practices. It is not a great discovery to say that we are talking about one of the most change-resistant organizations that is very skeptical about technology. On the other hand, could it also be a premise for other beliefs and the beginning of a certain revolution?
It sounds interesting and intriguing, as always, when the world of technology mixes with beliefs. In the face of this, one can only hope that AI will never become self-aware and powerful enough to a God in machina become Deus ex machina.