Bot profiles on Facebook and Instagram are a dud Meta! Nobody wanted it, but there are still problems2025-01-09
AI capable of empathy and feelings? Hyperrealistic metaverse may be the future of entertainment2024-12-20
Microsoft could be in serious trouble! The company reportedly trains AI with data from the Office suite 2024-11-29
Fugatto from NVIDIA is a real beast. The model can create great compositions of music and sound2024-11-27
NVIDIA is confident about the future of its position. The company is ready for changing needs2024-11-21
It was supposed to be a revolution, but it turned out to be a disaster. Black clouds over Perplexity2024-11-19
Has AI destroyed the “magic of Christmas”? Coca-Cola used artificial intelligence for its iconic ad2024-11-18
A bridge between media and AI? Particle, instead of stealing the press’s achievements, creates a special platform2024-11-14
AI helps recreate ancient sculptures. A great success for scientists and hope for monuments2024-11-06
Elon Musk wants to raise another billion dollars for AI. The businessman believes in his model2024-11-02
Will OpenAI create its own chips? The company prefers to create rather than look for an alternative2024-10-31